A Blissful Burst of Euphoria...
What It Is
Euphoric Energy Spray is your personal burst of positive energy, a little bottle of magic charged with Tachyon energy. It's a quick mood-lifter, a divine goddess activator, and a key to unlocking your limitless creativity.
What It Will Help You With:
- Connect to your intuition and heighten awareness.
- Induce moments of euphoria and joy throughout your day
- Embrace your sensual and feminine side.
- Spark creativity, confidence, and charisma.
- Alter your mood
Why You Need It:
Euphoric is not just a mood booster; it's your direct line to the divine goddess within you. Infused with the unique benefits of Blue Lotus Oil and charged with Tachyon energy, it awakens your inner creativity and empowers you to transform your visions into reality. Euphoric Energy Spray is your daily ticket to a brighter, more fulfilled life.
Botanical Energy Spray - Size: 30ml or 100ml
Essential Oils: Blue Lotus
Euphoric Botanical Energy Spray
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How To Use Euphoric
Simply spray a couple of times around your Auric Field to instantly uplift your mood and embrace an aura of positivity. For a more lingering smell you can spray in your hair.